Sunday, January 17, 2010

WOW! I can't believe it has almost been a year since my last post. Sadly, Facebook has become my daily post place. I do have some projects to post but since August I don't knit as much as I would like because I have tendinitis and it really gets in the way of my knitting.

I have been trying to find new crafts to occupy my time but I can't help loving knitting the way I do. I have taken a couple of sewing classes and made a few pairs of PJ pants for my hub and me. Its fun but doesn't have that same KNITTING AWESOMENESS feel to it. So, I still knit, and after a while it hurts and I have to wear my brace for days on end. Sux.

Spiderman PJs in class for charity/ Reversible bag first project in class/ Tristan's PJ pants 1st attempt from home.

Anywho, I will try to get some pictures of the knitting projects I have completed since last March. Goodness! I used to blog ever day, now its like once a year? Crazy.

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